What is love...

What is hate?
Who is God?
What is time...why does it pass so quickly and slowly simultaneously?
Is it standing still and we are moving at varying speed assigning it a pace?

What is fate, who decides our destiny?

Its all a blank canvas and the shadows that the light casts are the letters that spell a dispensable truth. Presenting a variety of truths as our interpretations change according to our external influences.

What is instinct?

What can I take from your soul and put it into mine? Will you claim that later, after many days, after many lives or milliseconds later?
Time is still and we are just moving at various speeds.
Is that love? Or hate?

The canvas wont change, nor will what is destined to happend, only our impressions of it will change with the assignment of varying degrees of truth through our manifestations of this world and our lives.


RH+ Photography said…
These questionaries were interesting so I did a same thing on my blog. Blog crossover. Hehe.
Boss... you are an excellent photographer and have done an excellent job I "Mustt" say...

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